This is a recent article that supports the Upside Down blog I wrote. Being Upside Down on a home loan really doesn’t matter much unless there is job loss. This article, 2023 Mass Layoffs: How Long Will the Recession Last?, talks about job loss happening that many aren’t aware of yet. Bed Bath & Beyond has filed for bankruptcy as well as Regal‘s parent company (one of the places we go to see movies) as well. In 2022 there were 91,000 tech workers that lost their jobs and in the first week of 2023 there were 25,000 job layoffs announced. This is a good article to read that talks about changes that are happening right now that are going under the radar of many. Also, this is another good article showing you what is going as Meta stock value went down 65% in 2022 along with Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet (Googles Parent). Meta stock value plunges 65% in 2022, the biggest drop among the big five tech giants.